Address Note Codes & Descriptions

1BadAddressAll indications suggest this is a bad address
2AddressNotFoundThe address was not found by USPS.
5HouseNumberOutOfRangeThe given house number does not seem to be a valid one.
100AddressFoundByUSPSThe Address was found in the normal USPS dataset.
101AddressFoundInSupplementalDataThe Address was not found in the normal USPS dataset but was found in supplemental data that aggregates many different sources. While not as authoritative as USPS data, this flag still indicates a high likelihood that the address is valid.
102AddressIsGeneralDeliveryAddress may not have been found in USPS or other datasets but has a high likelihood of being good and is likely in a General Delivery area.
120IsBusinessAddress appears to be a business.
121IsResidenceAddress appears to be a residence
122IsPOBoxAddress appears to be a PO Box.
123IsCMRAAddress appears to be associated with a commercial mail handling facility.
124IsStreetAddressAddress appears to be a standalone dwelling residence or business
125IsHighRiseAddress appears to be a multilevel apartment or business building.
126IsMilitaryAddress appears to be in a known military area.
130IsUniqueZipZip code belongs to a known area such as a university where mail and packages are delivered to a central location and distributed from there. The actual street address is irrelevant as long as it contains a house number and street name.
131IsVacantAddress appears to be vacant.
132IsReturningMailAddress appears to be returning mail at the moment.

Geocode Note Codes & Descriptions

*New notes may be added over time, and some descriptions may change, but the codes will never change

10LocationNotFoundNo Latitude and Longitude was found for the given location.
110IsLocationMatchLatitude and Longitude found should represent the property in question.
111IsZip4MatchLatitude and Longitude found should represent the centroid of all locations matching the first 9 digits of the zip code.
112IsZip3MatchLatitude and Longitude found should represent the centroid of all locations matching the first 8 digits of the zip code.
113IsZip2MatchLatitude and Longitude found should represent the centroid of all locations matching the first 7 digits of the zip code.
114IsZip1MatchLatitude and Longitude found should represent the centroid of all locations matching the first 6 digits of the zip code.
115IsZipMatchLatitude and Longitude found should represent the centroid of all locations matching the first 5 digits of the zip code.
116IsCityMatchLatitude and Longitude found should represent the centroid of the given city and state.
140IsUnincorporatedThe location was not found in a known city boundary. It may be a census designated place or not assigned to any known “place”.

Zip Note Codes & Descriptions

*New notes may be added over time, and some descriptions may change, but the codes will never change

20CensusDataNotFoundForZipNo demographic or census data was found for this zip code.
25NoZipInputNo zip code was given.
150CensusDataFoundForZipDemographic and census data was found for this zip code.